Monday, May 24, 2010

Time is Running Out. POTD 5/24

Yes, ok. This one sort of goes against the other POTDs and really the mission of the POTD, but today I actually feel like this picture epitomizes how I've been feeling: swamped and like I'm running a race against a clock.

I have 2 more weeks of school, plus finals week. So three weeks total. I leave for the UK to visit Collin and Candice Bullard (with my friend Matt Fulmer) in 21 days. Before that time the following must occur:

1 draft of a paper and then 1 final paper in my Research Practicum course (which means listening to 3 more interviews and finding 'themes' in them, then writing them down...)
1 final paper in Soc course
2 Homeworks in my Stats Class
1 presentation in my Research Practicum course
Attending Graduation (not for me, sillies, for my friends)
OH, and I'm on jury duty this week so each night I have to call the courthouse to see if I have to report the following day (so far I am 0 for 2 - hooray!).

Ugh. I'm feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it. But I have decided to instead just start a countdown of days and then take it all in small little bites. I wanted to share with you, but now I have to go back to homework. So, until tomorrow. I'm hoping to come up with a grrrreat picture for tomorrow!